Don’t be shy for Breast enhancement/reduction

 Breast reduction for comfort

Some women have very large breasts that bring their neck down and bra strap marks that leave a scar. Do know that very large and heavy breasts aren’t necessarily an asset. As well as feeling psychological distress, you may experience neck, back and shoulder pain or discomfort, and suffer from poor posture. Your bra straps may rub, and the skin beneath your breasts may become sore. Or you may simply feel that your breasts are out of proportion with the rest of your body.

Breast reduction quite effectively addresses these troubles. While adding to your general comfort and boosting self-esteem, a breast reduction can create a more uplifted and firmer appearance, and help restore proportion to your body.

Before you decide on a breast reduction, think carefully about what you expect it to achieve, and discuss your expectations with your surgeon, particularly with regard to the size of your breasts after the operation. It can be difficult to guarantee precise post-operative cup size. The aim will be to reduce your breasts to a size and shape that is proportionate to the rest of your body. Breasts are seldom exactly the same and after surgery, they may not be identical in size and shape. Minor asymmetries are natural and to be expected.


Performed under general anaesthetics, breast reduction involves removing fat, excess skin and breast tissue, as well as lifting the nipple, to improve the size and shape of your breasts and create a natural appearance. The length of the operation will depend upon the size of your bust but normally takes between two and five hours.

Breast enhancement for confidence

Having naturally small breasts, or breasts that have become smaller after having a child or losing weight may dent your self-esteem. Breast enlargement can help you to regain more body confidence and have a positive influence on your life.

Breast enhancement– also known as breast augmentation surgery or augmentation mammoplasty – is a surgical procedure to enhance the size and shape of your breasts.

Before you decide on a breast enhancement, think carefully about what you expect it to achieve, and discuss your expectations with your surgeon. Surgery can enhance your appearance and your self-confidence, but it won’t necessarily change your world overnight. Breast enlargement is also a long-term commitment, potentially needing further surgery at a later date, although modern breast implants can last for 20 years without needing to be replaced.




The procedure takes about an hour to five hours depending on the enhancement. You then maybe a stay in hospital for overnight. Recovery is usually quick. You may need to take a week off work, during which we remove your stitches and dressing. You should wear a support bra for a few weeks for comfort and to help the breast implants settle. You will also receive a series of follow-up appointments with your surgeon.

Is it too expensive?

Absolutely not!

The Cost of breast augmentation surgery in India usually is around the range of Rs.40,000 INR to Rs.60,000 INR depending on the sessions/accordingly for a one-time treatment.

Post-care: There will be follow-up appointments scheduled to ensure that the surgery has been a success and to ensure that you are happy. Getting plenty of rest is an important part of the recovery process. It is essential that you give “the new you” sufficient recovery time.

A promise from Contours

 “Our goal is to give you an experience of the highest standards, with surgery that is simple, safe and, where possible, quick. “

At the contours, surgeons are among the most experienced breast surgeons in India, with many of successful procedures to their credit.  You are treated as an individual and given the best possible care, from your first consultation through to surgery and during aftercare. Continuing support and advice is always on hand. You can stay assured of them. Since it is their promise.


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